A wonderful thing that Brio does for you, is that it manages taxability in your portfolio through the types of funds invested in, as well as the vehicles used to implement the strategy. We worry about taxes so you don’t have to.
During this upcoming conference call our portfolio analyst wizard, Jon Clements will pull back the curtain and detail our approach on how we handle tax management.
Joined by co-host Financial Planner Michael Telford, Jon will review each asset class and drivers for harvesting losses while Michael will outline the ins and outs of tax loss harvesting, including how it works and possible risks that come along with it.
We invite you to send any questions you'd like answered on the call to hello@briofg.com, and by all means, invite any friends and colleagues who may need some help with tax management.
We love helping you live your best life and can help your friends experience the same peace of mind. The more the merrier!
To join the video conference please use the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/415
To call in to the teleconference use the information below:
Dial In Number: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 415 215 3282