Work With a Team That Understands You

We get it. Not everyone gets you. That’s okay. We’re not everyone.

For starters, we’re wealth managers who focus more on your life than your money. After all, money is just a tool to help you achieve what you want in life. Our job is to help you make the most efficient use of that tool.

And we don’t bat an eye at whatever your life entails. In fact, we’ve pretty much seen it all. We’ve built our practice around helping LGBTQ individuals, couples, throuples, and anyone else seeking an understanding, caring approach to wealth management. 

Plus, we’re extremely knowledgeable—and nimble—because we’ve spent years figuring out ways to even the playing field for people excluded by law from financial equality. That’s expertise we can now put to work for all of us.

It’s all part of what make us Different by Design®


Meet Our Team

Our Guiding Principles

  • Treat everyone with respect
  • Always act in the client’s best interest, period
  • Keeps fees reasonable and straightforward
  • Stay on top of the latest investments, industry trends, technology and more to provide clients with the best possible service and advice
  • Educate clients and interested individuals on financial matters that can make them more comfortable with investing
  • Give back often to our clients and community 

What We Charge

We’re not shy about discussing our fees because we think our model is fair to everyone. Brio charges a flat annual fee for our advice, plus a percentage of the assets you have under management with us.

Because we don’t bill by the hour, you can feel free to ask for our guidance at any time. And we’re not transaction-based, so our advice is always objective and in your best interest…even if it’s not in the best interests of Brio. That’s not an ethic you can find just anywhere. Like we said, we’re Different by Design.

How to Get Started

Are you and Brio made for each other? Let’s meet for an hour and find out. No cost, of course.

Tell us all about yourself. Where you are in life. What you want your money to do for you. You know, first-date stuff.

Then ask us anything you want. Hard questions don’t scare us. We’re proud of the services we offer. And we want you to feel completely comfortable with us as your partner.

If you like what you hear, come join us. We love growing our family. 

Contact Us

How We Work With You

When you first become a Brio client, we’ll help you do four things:

  • Get organized. What resources do you have and where are they?
  • Understand where you are financially. The all-important reality check.
  • Crystallize your goals. What are your “must haves” versus “nice-to-haves?”
  • Prioritize your resources. How can you use what you have to move you toward where you want to be?

Then we’ll work with you to create a plan that can take you from here to there. A plan that we’ll review with you often and revise as circumstances in your life change. So you can stay on track, no matter where life takes you.