Brio’s Portfolio Manager, Jon Clements, and founder, Brandon Miller, look at the state of the markets with midterm elections on the horizon. Let us sift through the headlines and headaches for you! We’ll discuss the updated Fed outlook and interest rates, the impact of energy markets and recent legislation changes and their impacts on the markets. But, most importantly, we’ll answer any questions you may have!
Join our Quarterly Conference Call – Pre Election Market Check-up on Wednesday, September 7th, at 12 – 1 PM. As always, please share with your circle. We are happy to help your friends and family and quell any concerns they have about the market outlook and outcomes.
To join the zoom please use the following link: or dial in to (669) 900-9128 with Meeting ID: 415 215 3282
After the call we hope you can fill out your ballot with your confidence. We certainly appreciate your continued vote of confidence in us!
See you on the 7th,
The Brio Team