We realize that many of you have tax questions and other concerns about how your investments are faring in the wildly swinging stock market. So…Brio will be holding a conference call where Brandon will be on the call to take your questions and help allay your concerns about how the growing pandemic is impacting your money. We want you to be as comfortable as possible with Brio and how we are acting on your behalf in these uncertain times, so please join the call if you are experiencing any nervousness about your accounts.
Here’s the thing though: we can’t all talk at once. So we ask that you email your questions ahead of the call.
We know the news and market swings are scary, but your confidence in Brio is well placed. You can rest assured that we are doing everything possible to help you get through this wild ride and continue working toward your goals.
Join the call from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
If you would like to dial in on your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 870-338-933