Gathering Your Documents

You can always access your documents directly on BrioFG.com: After logging in, navigate to the Document Vault to view folders ‘1099 Tax Reports’ and ‘5498 Tax Reports’ (if applicable). 

Sometimes the easiest way to gather documents is to connect us with your tax preparer directly! Feel free to introduce us via email and we can forward along the information they need. 

FYI: 1099s may be updated throughout February, so it could be beneficial to have your tax preparer submit after March 1st.

You won’t get forms for everything as it may not be a taxable event

  • Did you make a contribution to a Donor Advised Fund last year? DAFs don’t send out tax forms at year end. Instead, they send confirmation of the donation at the time of the donation. Those confirmations should be what you provide your preparer or use to file taxes yourself. If you initiated a grant from your DAF that isn’t tax-deductible so there won't be any tax related documents for that. 
  • If your DAF is housed at National Charitable Endowment you can download your year-end statement. Visit Blackbaud - Sign in and sign in with your user ID (likely your email address).  
  • Once logged in, simply click on your fund under the “View your fund details” heading. Next, click on the “View Statement” tab. When the Fund Statement window appears, select the date range and click View. Your statement will download to the downloads folder on your computer. From there, you can open and print the statement.
  • Retirement accounts only generate a 1099 if you took a distribution from it in that calendar year
  • Taxable accounts only generate a tax form if there’s more than $10 of interest
  • IRA contributions are shown on form 5498, but that typically isn’t generated until May 
  • You don’t need form 5498 to file your taxes. Just let your tax preparer know what type of contribution you made, or ask Brio to inform your accountant
  • If you did a backdoor contribution, mention it to your tax preparer and loop in your Brio associate so they can ensure they do it correctly

Working with a Tax Preparer

Do you have a tax preparer? If you aren’t going solo, are you planning to continue with the same tax preparer as last year? It might be wise to reach out to book an appointment to avoid the rush.

Need a recommendation? Just ask! We’d be happy to send along some of our preferred professional peers. 

Speaking of, if you are thrilled with your current provider, let us know. Better yet, make a warm intro so we can see if they might be taking on new clients. Brio always wants to spread the love!


Filing yourself?

You’ll have to import your Schwab and TD info separately. Here’s how: 

  • TD Ameritrade tax data can be imported using the document ID and the nine-digit TD Ameritrade account number.  Both data points will be available on the tax documents from TD Ameritrade.
  • Clients can import Schwab tax data using their Schwab user ID and password and by acknowledging their preference to share information (third-party access to information).

Timing and Extensions

Don't rush through your tax preparation. Dedicate a specific time to go through your documents, fill out your forms, and double-check everything. That also gives us time to help if you run into any problems. 

Do you have too much on your plate right now to give your taxes the time you require or are you waiting on documents that won’t arrive by the April deadline? If so, go ahead and file that extension now.

Brio Financial Group does not provide tax or legal advice, and nothing contained in these materials should be taken as tax or legal advice. Please consult your legal or tax professional to see how this information would impact your individual situation.